Self-Heating and Fire Retardants

Ignition of Bulk Solid Materials by Localised Hotspots
P.J. Caine, S.J. Puttick, J. Brindley, A.C. McIntosh and J.F. Griffiths

Numerical Study of Frank-Kamenetskii Critical Parameter Dependence on Geometry and Boundary Conditions for Self Heating Hazard Analysis in Food and Agricultural Products Storage Site
G. Cocchi

On the Fire and Explosion Risks Triggered by use of Sodium or Potassium Methoxides as Catalysts for the Production of Biodiesel
B. Acheson, Q. Kwok, R. Turcotte, A. Janès and G. Marlair

Effect of Cobalt and Cerium on Self-Heating of Linseed Oil
Juita, B.Z. Dlugogorski, E.M. Kennedy and J.C. Mackie

On Inhibition and Promotion of Methane Combustion by Fluorinated Hydrocarbons in Oxidizers with Different Oxygen Content
Yu.N. Shebeko, A.Yu. Shebeko, V.V. Azatyan and V.Yu. Navzenya

Characterising Ignition and Burning Properties for Polymer Materials Containing Nano-Composites
R. Carvel, T. Steinhaus, J.L. Torero and G. Rein