A Novel Approach for High-precision Blanking of Thin Metal Foils using Monocrystalline Silicon as Tool Material
S. Hildering and U. Engel
Chair of Manufacturing Technology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Egerlandstr. 13, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
The ongoing miniaturisation of electrical components leads to an increasing demand on advanced high-precision manufacturing technologies. Conventional tool fabrication for punching operations on thin metal foils is limited to geometries of approximately 50 µm and requires expensive serial production methods. Due to advanced etching technologies monocrystalline silicon offers high-precision batch manufacturing methods and acceptable mechanical properties for blanking operations in microproduction. Accurate punch geometries down to a width of 5 µm are possible. Its brittle behaviour is the main challenge for an application as tool material. High accuracy is required to avoid tensile stresses resulting in the fracture of the punch. The present study introduces an innovative concept for blanking thin metal foils. The focus is set to high accuracy meeting the compiled requirements of monocrystalline silicon as a tool material for cutting processes. Adjustment resolutions of 1 µm are possible. Compact outer dimensions combined with a piezo actuator generating the punching force enable a self-contained operation of the machine both for single tests and batch production. Additionally the design is optimised towards vacuum and clean room compatibility for the in-situ observation of shearing processes in an SEM.
Keywords: Microforming, Blanking, Machine design, Accuracy, Monocrystalline silicon.
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