Fabrication of 3D Micro and Nanostructures for Photonic Applications
D. Cristea1, P. Obreja1, A. Dinescu1, G. Konstantinidis2, R. Rebigan1 and C. Kusko1
1National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies Bucharest Voluntari, 077190 Romania
2FORTH IESL Heraklion, Crete, Greece
The paper presents techniques for fabrication of polymeric or metallic 3 D micro nanostructures with application in photonics: antireflective (AR) layers, photonic crystals, plasmonics, and sub-micron diffractive optics. The techniques combine the following processes: 2D and 3D electron beam lithography in a multi-layer resist, metal deposition and lift-off; replica molding. Diffractive optical elements with different shapes (prism, dots, lines) with feature size in the range 100 nm - 150 µm were obtained for antireflection coatings for solar cells, microlenses for photodetectors, holograms.
Metallic nanostructures on Si or glass for electrodes, plasmonics, or replication of high aspect ratio structures have been obtained using EBL in mono or by-layer resist followed by metal deposition and lift-off.
Keywords: E-beam lithography, Grey scale lithography, Replica molding, Nanophotonics.
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