End of Life Environmental Assessment of Microtechnology: The need for Sticks or Carrots?
Arnaud De Grave1, Emmanuel C. Gentil2 and Hans N. Hansen1
1Technical University of Denmark, DTU Mechanic, DK- 2800 Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
2Technical University of Denmark, DTU Environment, DK- 2800 Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
The paper presents the importance of understanding the environmental implications of the end of life of micro technology. A brief overview of different management approaches of micro waste is shown, such as landfill, incineration, recycling, reuse and prevention is given. However, the management of waste is subject to a number of directives and regulations (in Europe) or a “stick” forcing the industry to minimise the environmental impacts of micro waste. In contrast, there are strong drivers, the “carrot” that can stimulate the industry to design micro technology following EcoDesign principle. On one hand the industry is faced with legal sticks to minimise the impacts of waste, on the other hand the industry is offered a number of carrots that could present strong financial and environmental advantages compared to other products providing the same service.
Keywords: EcoDesign, Waste management, LCA.
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