The Study of Thin Glass Cutting using Ultrafast Pico-second Laser
Yu-Ting Lyu1, Chao-Yung Yeh1, Ming-Jer Lin2, Tsung-Min Tu2, Fu-Chuan Hsu1, Po-Chi Hu1, Chung-Li Tsai1 and Antony H. C. Lee1
1Micro/Meso Mechanical Manufacturing R&D Department, Metal Industries Research & Development Centre(MIRDC),Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, I-Shou University(ISU), Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Glass cutting is an essential step in the production of display panel use in the Flat Panel Display (FPD) technology, lightweight PC and cellular phone touch panel. Due to the brittle and poor thermal conduction, high quality glass cutting becomes a challenging manufacture process. Possibilities to produce quality glass cutting (Corning Eagle 2000) of thin thickness ranges from 0.7mm to 0.5mm using picoseconds (ps) laser pulses are investigated. The mechanism of ps laser glass cutting is outlined. Optimal laser parameters for best glass cutting results are evaluated with optical microscope. Laser ablation threshold fluence for glass is estimated to be 0.08J/cm2. This study indicated direct quality cutting of ultra-thin glass substrate (thickness < 0.5mm for the next generation FPD industry) using high repetition rate, high pulse energy, 10 ps time-scale ultrafast laser could be the ideal choice.
Keywords: Ultrafast laser, Touch panel, Glass cutting.
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