Process Condition Monitoring of Micro Moulding using a Two-plunger Micro Injection Moulding Machine
G. Tosello, H. N. Hansen and P. Guerrier
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Mechanical Engineering, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
The influence of micro injection moulding (µIM) process parameters (melt and mould temperature, piston injection speed and stroke length) on the injection pressure was investigated using Design of Experiments. Direct piston injection pressure measurements were performed and data collected using a micro injection moulding machine equipped with a two-plunger injection unit. Miniaturized dog-bone shaped specimens on polyoxymethylene (POM) were moulded over a wide range of processing conditions in order to characterize the process and assess its capability. Experimental results obtained under different processing conditions were evaluated to correlate the process parameter levels influence on the selected responses, considering both average values (for process characterization) and standard deviations (for process robustness assessment).
Keywords: Micro injection moulding, Injection pressure, Injection speed, Design of experiments.
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