Factors Affecting the Force Variability in Micro-end-milling
M. Annoni and Q. Semeraro
Dipartimento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
The present study has been carried out at the MI_crolab of the Dipartimento di Meccanica of the Politecnico di Milano for predicting the cutting force variability related to the variability of tool, machine tool and cutting process parameters in case of micro-end-milling. A previously validated mechanistic model has been selected from the milling literature and applied to this purpose by means of a Montecarlo simulation. Once pointed out the strong effect of parameters variability, a sensitivity analysis has been carried out on the model in order to define the most influencing factors on the response variation. The presented approach can define priorities inside the quality improvement roadmap of the micromilling process.
Keywords: Micro-end-milling, Cutting force model, Cutting force coefficients, Force variability, Montecarlo simulation.
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