Large-area Surface Micro Structuring with a Linear Coating Device
Z. Tebby, J. Gavillet, P. Fugier, C. Ducros, T. Catelain, C. Chouquet, F. Emieux, T. Krebs, H. Boucher and M. Plissonnier
Laboratory of Surface Technologies, LITEN, CEA, Grenoble, France
Microstructuring finds many applications in various fields, such as a means to increase the efficiencies of solar cells by increasing the haze, to make self-cleaning hydrophobic surfaces, to create new mechanical properties etc. This work shows the large potential for structuring surfaces with a prototype, the Linear Coating Device, combined with post-treatments involving various techniques (plasma etching, catalytic etching, plasma deposition, and laser ablation). The Linear Coating Device is a process that enables to deposit monolayers of micro- and nanoparticles and is similar to the Langmuir-Blodgett technique, but it has a higher potential for industrial applications since it enables to coat large surface areas, can be applied to a wide range of materials, enables to deposit on flexible or rigid substrates and is a fast on-line process [1]. In this work, silicon and glass substrates and a wide range of etching/deposition techniques have been studied and many applications can be found for these structured surfaces.
Keywords: Microstructuring, Linear coating device, Etching.
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