FT- IR Spectroscopic Investigations of Nanocomposites on the basis of Co Nanoparticles and Micronized AlN-powder for Getters
Ivania Markova-Deneva1, Galia Ivanova2 and Iovka Dragieva2
1University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8, Kl. Ohridski blvd., 1756 Sofia.
2Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
Getters samples on the basis of nanocomposites taking in amorphous or crystalline Co-B-H nanoparticles and micronized AlN-powder have been prepared. The Co nanoparticles have been obtained via wet chemical reduction of CoSO4.7H2O initial salt with NaBH4 using two kinds of reactors working at different hydrodynamics conditions of mixing of the water solutions (the solutions of CoSO4 and NaBH4). The nanocomposites have been synthesized by pressing of a mixture based on the Co nanoparticles and a micronized AlN-powder and sintering in the temperature interval of 200-850°C in a flow of pure N2. The AlN has been introduced amounting to 10–30 wt. %. The Co nanoparticles, the micronized AlN-powder and the nanocomposites on their basis have been investigated by means of IR spectroscopy using Fourier Transform Infrared spectrophotometer EQUINOX 55 (Brucker). The FT-IR spectra undertaken of the Co nanoparticles, the AlN-powder and their nanocomposites have proved the creation of B-O, Al-N, Al-O chemical bonds in different atom groups such as BO3 and BO4 groups, AlO4 tetrahedra and AlO6 octahedra situated on the nano- and microparticles surface. The H2 & CO molecules absorption of the synthesized getters in the temperature interval of 200 - 550°C has been measured.
Keywords: Co nanoparticles, Micronized AlN-powder, Nanocomposites, Getters, IR spectroscopy, FT-IR spectra, H2 and CO molecules absorption.
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