Analysis of Conduction Controlled Rewetting Considering Different Regimes of Boiling
Nagesh D. Patil1, Prasanta Kumar Das2,a and Souvik Bhattacharya2,b
1M. S. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, India.
2Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, India.
Rewetting is a process of re-establishment of solid liquid contact due to the collapse of the intermediate vapor film. The mechanism of rewetting remains unexplained unless the associated heat transfer processes are studied. In the literature, there is a scarcity in the application of numerical analysis on rewetting due to involvement of nonlinear, non-uniform and transient boundary conditions and also due to infinite domain of the medium. In most of the available analytical studies, the physical system consists of an infinitely extended slab with one wet zone and a dry zone. The models assume constant or arbitrarily varying heat transfer coefficient in the wet zone. In reality, heat is removed from the solid surface mostly by boiling which takes place near the quench front during rewetting.
In this work a novel numerical simulation employing the finite difference method is proposed to solve conduction controlled rewetting problem with all the regimes of boiling.
Keywords: Rewetting, Boiling heat transfer, Boiling regimes, Wet region, Dry region.
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