Investigation of Bulk Radiation on Natural Convection and Heat Transfer in a Partially Heated Side Wall
Piyush G. Bhakhara and Hemant B. Mehtab
Mechanical Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat 395 007, Gujarat, India.
In the present paper, a numerical study is performed to investigate the effect of bulk radiation on the natural convection of a fluid contained in a rectangular cavity with partially thermally active side walls. The active part of the left side wall is at a higher uniform temperature than that of the right side wall. The top and bottom of the cavity and inactive part of the side walls are thermally insulated. Two major positions of the active zones such as bottom-top thermally active location and top-bottom thermally active location are considered. The results are obtained to investigate the effects of dimensionless parameters like Grashof numbers, conduction- radiation parameter and single scattering albedo on the flow and temperature fields as well as the rate of heat transfer from the walls of the enclosure.
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