Numerical Computation of One-Dimensional Unsteady Two-Phase Flow
Sandip Kumar Sarma1,a, Atanu Bhuyan1,b, Manmohan Pandey1,c and S. K. Gupta2
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781 039, India.
2Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai 400 094, India.
The present work involves building a one-dimensional code to analyze transients in the basic two-phase flow parameters in heated channels. The code has an option for using homogeneous or drift flux model of two-phase flow. Finite volume method is employed in space domain and forward difference scheme is used in time domain for discretization. A comparative study has been made between these two models. A RELAP5 model has been developed to closely simulate the test case. Results of homogeneous model have been compared with RELAP5 simulations. For small heat fluxes, homogeneous model is found to predict flow parameters within acceptable deviation from RELAP5 results. It was also observed that drift flux model gives results closer to RELAP simulations.
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