Engine Performance Characteristics of Biodiesel Fuels
Timothy P. Guider1 and Sudhakar Neti2
1Johnson Controls, Inc., Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462, USA.
2Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA.
Fuel performance characteristics of three different biofuels and No. 2 diesel fuel are reported in this paper. The engine performances were determined using a single-cylinder diesel engine. The fuels include soy biodiesel, waste vegetable oil biodiesel (WVO), straight vegetable oil (SVO), and No. 2 diesel fuel. P-V diagrams obtained continuously during engine operation are analyzed and compared for each fuel at various loads in the wide open throttle position. The results show that the fuels used were similar in performance at higher loads while the more viscous SVO underperformed at low loads. The WVO biodiesel with a lower heating value generated less horsepower. As expected, the brake specific fuel consumption was lowest with No. 2 diesel fuel and highest with the SVO.
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