Flow and Heat Transfer in a Pendant Liquid Drop Sliding on an Inclined Plane
Basant Singh Sikarwara, K. Muralidharb and Sameer Khandekarc
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, India.
Clusters of liquid drops growing and moving on textured surfaces are encountered in dropwise condensation. As opposed to filmwise condensation, drops permit a large heat transfer coefficient and are hence attractive. However, satisfactory means of sustaining dropwise condensation over a long period of time have not been found, primarily because of removal of promoters on the surface by mechanical forces. To determine the rate of removal of the promotors on the surface i.e. to determine the shear stress distribution at the base of the droplet, fluid flow patterns inside the liquid drop need to be determined. Flow distribution has been obtained numerically in the present study by solving the unsteady Navier-Stokes and energy equations in three dimensions. The frame of reference is fixed on the liquid drop with the wall moving relative to it at a constant speed. Quantities reported are velocity distribution wall shear stress, pressure, and temperature distribution within the liquid drop. The effect of drop deformation appropriate for a pendant drop has been studied. Results have been obtained over a Reynolds number range of 100-1000 at a Prandtl number of 5.8.
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