Simultaneous Estimation of Parameters in a Conduction-Radiation Problem — Performance Evaluation of Three Radiative Transfer Methods
Ramchandra P. Chopadea, Subhash C. Mishrab and P. Mahantac
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781 039, India.
With the genetic algorithm as an optimizer and the lattice Boltzmann method as a solver for the energy equation, the present work deals with the analysis and comparison of results of estimated parameters in a combined mode 1-D conduction-radiation problem in which the radiative information can be computed using any of the three methods, viz., the finite volume method (FVM), the discrete transfer method (DTM), and the desecrate ordinates method (DOM). Two parameters, viz., the scattering albedo and the extinction coefficient are estimated simultaneously, and results of the inverse analysis through LBM-FVM-GA, LBM-DTM-GA and LBM-DOMGA are compared. Effects of population size and measurement errors are taken into account. All three radiative transfer methods are found to work well with the LBM and GA for the inverse problem.
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