Implementation of Digital In-Line Holographic Particle Tracking Velocimetry (DHPTV)
Dhananjay Kumar Singha and P. K. Panigrahib
Micro-Fluidics and Sensors Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, India.
The digital holography appears to be a promising technique for characterization of three dimensional (3D) online dynamic phenomena and imaging of small-scale microscopic systems. Particulates are observed in many industrial applications i.e. combustion chamber, fluidized bed & micro-fluidic system. The optimization of these systems, require proper characterization of 3D particulate field. In many other optical diagnostic techniques i.e. LDV, PIV etc particulates are introduced for facilitating visualization. The complexity of these systems is the inherent 3-dimensionality. Digital holography is one of the most promising techniques for proper characterization of dynamic 3D particulate field. The present study aims to verify the implementation of algorithm which, has been developed for 3D particulate characterization using digital inline holography (DIH) at two instances of time and subsequently the particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) algorithm is utilized to correlate particles at different instances of time obtained from holographic reconstruction for obtaining velocity field. The data analysis procedure is verified using couette flow, expansion flow and vortex flow velocity field data. Experimental data of single and coaxial jets obtained from PIV is utilized to test the implementation of digital holographic particle tracking Velocimetry (DHPTV) algorithm.
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