Prediction of Turbulent Heat Transfer in Radially Outward Flow in a Twisted-Tape Inserted Tube Rotating in Orthogonal Mode
Brij Kishore Sonia and Anil Waman Dateb
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400 076, India.
This paper presents numerically computed pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of turbulent developing flow in a tube rotating in orthogonal mode. The tube is fitted with a twisted tape. The flow is radially outward. Numerical predictions are obtained by solving three dimensional elliptic transport equations in a tube of length-to-diameter ratio = 14.5. Turbulence effects are captured through use of high Reynolds number form of k-ε model. It is assumed that the tube is at axially and peripherally constant wall temperature and that the tape is perfectly conducting. Numerical predictions are obtained for both clockwise and anti-clockwise tape-twist with respect to the direction of the tube axis. Axial variations of pressure drop and of Nusselt number are presented for air (Pr = 0.7) for 10000 < Re < 50000, twist ratio 3 ≤ Y ≤ ∞and Rotation number 0 ≤ Ro ≤ 0.15. Effect of Buoyancy parameter βΔT is neglected.
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