Effects of Non-Condensable on Condensation in a Vertical Tube Bundle
Shripad T. Revankara, Wenzhong Zhoub and Gavin Hendersonc
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA.
Experiments were designed to simulate the passive containment cooling system (PCCS) with a tube bundle consisting of four tubes. Steam condensation tests were carried out in complete condensation mode and in through flow mode with mixture of steam and air. Condensation heat transfer coefficients (HTC) were obtained for various steam and air mixture flow rates. Data on condensation heat transfer were obtained for primary pressure raging from 110 – 270 kPa. Condensation heat transfer for tube in bundle ranged from 7500W/m2K to 20,000 W/m2K for the range of pressure studied. A heat and mass analogy model was developed and the condensation heat transfer prediction from the model was compared with experimental data. For through flow mode data on condensation heat transfer were obtained for air concentration fraction from 0 to 13%. Test results showed that with increase in pressure the condensation heat transfer increased. The presence of the air in the steam decreased the condensation heat transfer coefficient from 10 to 45% depending on air fraction in the steam.
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