Invited Talk

Invited TalkFabrication of Nano/Micro Devices of Metallic Glasses
Time/Date 09:30 – 11:15 hrs / Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Venue IK4-Tekniker, Eibar
Chair Prof. Stefan Dimov, 4M2013 Co-Chair, University of Birmingham, UK
Speaker Prof. Yasunori Saotome, Tohoku University, Japan


Yasunori Saotome is a Professor at Institute for Materials Research (IMR) , Tohoku University in Japan and a visiting professor at Univ. of Hyogo. He obtained a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Waseda University in 1972, an MSc in in Mechanical Engineering from Waseda University in 1975 and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Waseda University in 1981. He has been with IMR since 2006 and has current research interests in nano/micro forming of metallic materials, materials science and engineering of metallic glass (glassy alloy) as the most promising metallic material for NEMS/MEMS and nano/micro-devices. He received Paper Awards from The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan and The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP). Yasunori is a chairman of the Research Committee on Nano/MicroManufacturing and a Fellow of JSTP.