TitleEnergyPlus Building Simulation
Speaker Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azhaili Baharun

This workshop will introduce to the participants the EnergyPlus®Building simulation. The software is designed for engineers, architects, researchers and scientists as well as consultants, government agencies and Post Graduate students working in building related fields. It trains and informs to the concerned the effects of energy related measures which should be undertaken before the design of a building. This is a must to learn as a tool for building design. The present awareness about climate change caused by mostly the energy generation, of which 1/3 is consumed by the buildings themselves, has pushed the engineers to work on energy efficient buildings. A well prepared and organized simulation would help ensure that the buildings are low energy consuming and greener than before.

Dr. Azhaili Baharun has a BSc (Hons) in Civil Engineering from University of Hartford, USA and PhD in Building Engineering – Energy Efficiency from University of Leeds, UK. He has extensive experience of working with industry and academia. His main area of interest is energy efficiency. He is also Director of the Centre of Excellence in Renewable Energy (CoERE) at the Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS. The main purpose of this Centre is to provide consultancy to the industry on energy related issues, specially renewable and green energy solutions.