
The purpose of this international symposium is to gather designers, consultants, contractors, regulators, researchers and other stakeholders together in a single forum to address all aspects of foundation engineering, including present state of art/state of practice and challenging issues facing the profession. The basic goal is to share information on how to do the job most effectively with lowest risk and impact on the environment. Contributions in this proceedings covered topics such as modeling and analysis, design, ground improvement, load test, and case studies. These contributions are timely additions that advance our knowledge on various aspects of foundation engineering.

This proceedings contains 50 papers from 15 countries (Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Turkey, United States) including 8 keynote lectures and 2 special lectures from distinguished researchers and practitioners. The editors are grateful for the valuable services provided by the reviewers. The professional editing services rendered by the publisher, Research Publishing and its key-members, Sankaran and Anand are acknowledged. Last but not least, Mr Cheah Kok Keong has managed our conference secretariat at our Office of Professional Engineering & Executive Education effectively and we are most appreciative of his service.

Kok-Kwang Phoon
Tong-Seng Chua
Haibo Yang
Wee-Meng Cham