
Steel Construction for a Low Carbon Economy

Professor Roger Plank
University of Sheffield, Springfield
Hathersage, UK

Roger recently retired as Professor of Architecture/Structural Engineering at the University of Sheffield, but continues to practise research and consultancy, principally in structural fire engineering, but also in sustainable construction, and he has led a number of projects dealing with aspects of fabric energy storage and design for dismantling. He has played a leading role for the steel sector, the European Convention on Constructional Steelwork, and the Institution of Structural Engineers in the field of fire engineering and sustainable construction, and contributed to a number of government initiatives. He is regularly invited to speak at conferences, seminars and short courses for practitioners on these subjects. He has published widely and his honours include the Henry Adams Award from the Institution of Structural Engineers on two occasions, ASCE’s Raymond C Reese Research Award, and the Institution of Fire Engineers’ Rasbash Medal. He is currently a director of Vulcan Solutions which provides software and consultancy in fire engineering, and is immediate Past President of the Institution of Structural Engineers.