New Design Method and New Test Technology


Curing Temperature Effect on Strength Development of Cement Treated Singapore Marine Clay: A Discussion on Arrhenius Equation based Maturity Model and Its Application

Yi-Tan Lu, Thiam-Soon Tan and Kok-Kwang Phoon

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, 1 Engineering Drive, Singapore 117576


The effect of curing temperature on the strength development of the SDF material is discussed in this paper. Experimental results show no “cross-over” effect over the one year curing period. An Arrhenius equation based maturity model is used to analyze the experimental results, from which the apparent activation energy is determined and the value shows good agreement with reported values in literatures. The model prediction also shows reasonable agreement with the experimentally determined strength-strength correlations between the accelerated and normal curing conditions.

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