Creativity and Leisure: An Intercultural and Cross-disciplinary (CLICJ)
Volume 1 Number 2 (2012)doi: 10.3850/S201046932012000184
Culture, Leisure, and Creativity: Anthropological and Comparative Perspectives
Anthropologists and other cross-cultural comparative researchers have debated for much of the last century over the degree to which humans are, by nature, creative and how different cultures or aspects of culture affects creativity. As a universal aspect of culture, leisure has sometimes been part of that debate but, more often, has not been systematically considered in research on culture and creativity. The purpose of this paper is to review anthropological as well as some cultural and cross-cultural psychological theorizing and research on the relationship between culture and creativity while incorporating related research on leisure, when possible.
Keywords: Culture, Culture change, Creativity, Leisure, Individualism/collectivism, Tight/ loose cultures.