Creativity and Leisure: An Intercultural and Cross-disciplinary (CLICJ)
Volume 1 Number 2 (2012)doi: 10.3850/S20104693201200010X
Creativity in Boundary Crossing: An Introduction to the Second Issue of CLICJ
The second issue of the first volume of the Creativity and Leisure: An Intercultural and Cross-disciplinary Journal (CLICJ) built upon the aspiration of the journal to integrate expertise in the fields of creativity and leisure beyond cultural and disciplinary boundaries. Colleagues in the two fields share their views on creativity, leisure, culture, and interdisciplinary research. Three panels of lead papers were formed. Lead papers were sent to colleagues of different panels who resided in various parts of the world and whose expertise was a kind of different from that of the lead paper authors. A total of ten commentaries were gathered for three lead papers. They reached the editorial team in time for the current issue. Commentaries or related full papers to the three themes are welcome in the future issue of the CLICJ. Full papers on broadening conceptions of creativity and culture and on aspiration towards cross-disciplinary creativity were included. The issue ends with an interview of an advisory board member.
Keywords: Interdisciplinarity, Boundary crossing, Creativity, Lead-comment-response cycle.