Creativity and Leisure: An Intercultural and Cross-disciplinary (CLICJ)
Volume 1 Number 1 (2012)doi: 10.3850/S201046932012000056
Leisure and Wellness: A North America Perspective with Community Programming Implications
Leisure and wellness have immerged as important social constructs of the 21st century. Both are often thought to be synonymous with human happiness, the good life or living life to its fullest. The magnitude of their importance worldwide has brought an increasing greater focus and attention to the similarities of these two concepts.
The extent to which good health is realized is contingent on many factors. We can make choices that will promote health and well-being, prevent or delay the premature onset of many chronic illnesses, and improve our quality of life. Often these serious health threats originate in childhood or adolescence and continue through adulthood. This article will explore the health issues of North American youth and older adults as well as community organizations and workplace environments offering health promotion opportunity for individuals, communities and nations to derive a wide array of benefits.
Keywords: Leisure, Wellness, North America, Social right, Health, Happiness.