Creativity and Leisure: An Intercultural and Cross-disciplinary (CLICJ)
Volume 1 Number 1 (2012)doi: 10.3850/S201046932012000044
Culture and Creativity in Leisure Studies: A Philosophical Perspective
This paper aims to provide the relationship between culture and creativity from the perspectives of theories in leisure studies. Leisure comprises three components: Free-time, leisure activities and leisure experience. During free time we choose to undertake tasks we select and to engage in activities we like. As such, we engage in positive, optimal, and meaningful experiences. I advocate that it is important for every person to have time and space for meaningful engagement in everyday, work and professional life. Leisure refers to time and space we spent in meaningful, peaceful, creative and cultural activities. In this paper, I also stress that viewpoints of leisure, selection of leisure activities, and leisure experience gains vary according to cultural contexts. Consequently, cultural communities express creative performances or creative abilities differently and lead to special features of cultural development and achievement.
Keywords: Leisure philosophy, Leisure experience, Intercultural studies, Culture, Creativity.