Creativity and Leisure: An Intercultural and Cross-disciplinary (CLICJ)
Volume 1 Number 1 (2012)doi: 10.3850/S201046932012000032
Creativity in Leisure: A Psychologist's Perspective
Creativity is about constructing novel and meaningful life experiences. Leisure is about living a good life and pursuing quality of life (see Yeh, 1993). Creativity for constructive growth is articulated in the context of leisure as a synthesized paradigm for contemporary efforts toward positivity and care for oneself and others. This is a timely articulation. The synthesized paradigm broadens the contemporary conceptions of creativity in the mainstream psychology by building on we-paradigm of creativity in the cultural context. It denotes the significance of care, love, compassion, hope, positivity, and strengths in novel and appropriate behavior ofmankind in good and difficult time. Constructive creativity is for common good, resilience, and growth. As such, creativity in leisure is a joint-personal, sociocultural and community’s commitment and competence. During creative leisure (e.g., play, flow) we generate novel and ethical ideas, processes, performances, and actions for person well-being, collaborative innovation, social harmony, and world peace. I envision growth as the ultimate outcome of creativity in leisure for cultivating positive minds and building strengths for self-care and care for others.
Keywords: Creativity, Leisure, Care, Positivity, Growth, The common good.