Proceedings of the
World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM 2022 )
19–22 September 2022, Lueven, Belgium

Development of Dual Transverse Ultrasonic Vibration System for Micro-Forming Application

Gandjar Kiswanto, Wildan Zulfa Abdurrohman, Siska Titik Dwiyati, Sugeng Supriadi, Hans Thiery Tjong, Edward Joshua Patrianus Mendrofa and Raditya Aryaputra Adityawarman

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to develop a dual transverse Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Micro-Forming (UVAMF) system. Transverse ultrasonic vibrations produced by porous block sonotrode are used to vibrate the workpiece in the micro-forming process. The system is based on the idea of two Langevin piezoelectric transducers, each of which may create ultrasonic vibrations with a modest amplitude. Longitudinal vibrations generated by two Langevin piezoelectric transducers in the same phase were changed by porous block sonotrode into normal vibration. The process of dual transverse UVAMF system design optimization was done by modal simulation using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method. Both Langevin piezoelectric transducers are designed to have symmetrical vibration modes with the same natural frequency, so that transverse vibration can be generated along normal axis on the workpiece. The sonotrode was able to convert longitudinal ultrasonic vibrations to normal vibrations and achieve uniform amplitude on the central square radiant surface. It could also use resonant vibration to excite the workpiece or die in the normal direction. The simulated analysis result shows that the dual transverse UVAMF system operates at an optimum working frequency of 32,400 Hz and has an estimated total displacement on the normal axis respectively 5.68 µm.

Keywords: Micro Forming, Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted, Dual Transverse System.

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