Proceedings of the
World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM 2022 )
19–22 September 2022, Lueven, Belgium

Mechanism of Bacterial interaction on Nanopillars using Finite Element Simulation

Reshma Y. Siddiquie, Amit. Agrawal and Suhas S. Joshi

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB), India


The mechanism of bactericidal property based on physio-mechanical interaction between nanostructured surface and bacteria remains elusive. This study focuses on mimicking the bacterial-nanopillar interaction using finite element (FE) method. Instantaneous and time-dependent deformation of bacteria due to nanopillars are analyzed. In addition, the effect of geometry and stiffness of pillars on bacterial rupture is calculated. Moreover, adhesive force and gravitational forces of bacteria are incorporated to mimic the rupture of bacterial cell membrane in contact with nanopillars. The results show that 6 nm creep deformation was observed in bacteria which contributes 5% of total deformation after 10 seconds of loading. Nanopillars with increasing pillar stiffness from 1.5 MPa to 1.5 GPa, bend and get compressed, respectively, when the bacteria come in contact. The pillar geometry has a very prominent role in rupturing of bacterial membrane. For a tip radius less than 30 nm, 50% the longitudinal strain in Y- the direction was observed which decreases with further increase in tip radius. On the other hand, with 100 nm increase in pillar's spacing will leads to 15% increase in longitudinal strain in bacteria.

Keywords: Bactericidal mechanism, FE simulation, Time-dependent deformation, Bacteria-nanopillar interaction.

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