Proceedings of the
World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM 2022 )
19–22 September 2022, Lueven, Belgium

Effects of Laser Polishing on Corrosion Resistance of Additive Manufactured Inconel 718 Alloy

Rama Balhara, Kshitija Anam and Madhu Vadali

Smart Lab, Mechanical Engineering Discipline, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India


Inconel 718 or IN718 is a nickel-based superalloy with applications in the aerospace and automotive fields. In this paper, the effects of laser polishing on the corrosion resistance of the additively manufactured IN718 have been investigated. The laser polished samples are being compared to the as-received samples for their corrosion resistance. Laser power and scan velocity are two processing parameters that are varied to polish the samples at various linear energy densities. The laser polished samples showed high corrosion resistance as compared to the base material which was attributed to a combination of surface roughness reduction and grain refinement. It was observed that the 2D roughness average is a poor metric to correlate corrosion resistance of the sample and that 3D surface measurements are needed for any meaningful correlation.

Keywords: Inconel 718, Additive manufacturing, Corrosion resistance, Laser melting.

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