Proceedings of the
World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM 2022 )
19–22 September 2022, Lueven, Belgium

Assessment of Drilling Performance with Micro/Nanobubble-mixed Cutting Fluid Delivery

Prabhat Ranjan and Soham Mujumdar

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400076, India


Cutting fluids are used in machining processes to enhance cooling and lubrication properties. However, using such fluids in large quantities has imposed severe environmental issues and health hazards to operators. To reduce the amount of cutting fluids, high-pressure cooling, cryogenic cooling, minimum quantity lubrication, atomization-based cutting fluid, nanofluids, and most recently, bubble-mixed cutting fluid have been proposed. In micro/nanobubblemixed cutting fluid delivery, micro and nano-sized air bubbles are dispersed in the cutting fluid to enhance the heat transfer and chip evacuation. This work investigates the effectiveness of this novel method by comparing it against the dry and traditional flood cooling techniques. Drilling experiments are conducted to collect cutting forces, temperature rise, and surface roughness data using the three cutting fluid delivery methods. Micro/nanobubble mixed cutting fluid delivery results in lower thrust forces and workpiece temperature.

Keywords: Drilling, Micro/nanobubbles, Cutting Fluid Delivery.

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