Proceedings of the
World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM 2022 )
19–22 September 2022, Lueven, Belgium

Method for Assessing the Performance of Multi-Axis Laser Processing Strategies

Themistoklis Karkantonis1, Pavel Penchev1, Tian Long See2 and Stefan Dimov1

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK

2The Manufacturing Technology Centre Ltd, Coventry, CV7 9JU, UK


The requirements that complex 3D miniaturised components have to satisfy are constantly increasing for various application areas and hence there is a sustained drive to broaden the capabilities of precision manufacturing processes. In this regard, Laser Micro-Machining (LMM) systems have been attracting significant industrial interest with their emerging capabilities for multi-axis machining. However, intrinsic limitations of component technologies of such systems can impact the machining accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility (ARR), especially in processing strategies requiring the simultaneous use of multiple axes. Herein, the aim of this research is to propose a systematic method for assessing the overall performance of LMM systems when they are deployed for laser structuring/texturing of freeform surfaces. In particular, the method employs a series of laser processing tests on spherical samples to quantify the contributions of different error sources on the machining ARR when implementing simultaneous multi-axis processing strategies under quasi-static conditions. This research provides an insight into the manufacturing challenges/limitations in deploying LMM systems for the fabrication of complex 3D components.

Keywords: Laser Micro-Machining System, Performance Evaluation, Precision Metrology, Freeform Surface.

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