Proceedings of the
8th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR)
14 – 16 December 2022, Newcastle, Australia
Editors: Jinsong Huang, D.V. Griffiths, Shui-Hua Jiang, Anna Giacomini, Richard Kelly

Risk Management of Cost Overrun and Delay in Underground Excavation in Rock

Johan Spross

Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden.


This bright spark lecture opens by noting that geological and geotechnical uncertainty affects not only a tunnel's structural safety but also its cost and time plan. Cost overruns and delays of underground excavation projects in rock are, in fact, a huge problem worldwide, and neglecting the effect of geological uncertainty in the project planning can be an important reason for this. As a consequence, both clients and contractors need sensible risk management tools and contractual frameworks that facilitate fair risk sharing between the involved parties and reduce the number of contractual disputes. The lecture will highlight a number of such tools, like probabilistic time and cost assessments and Geotechnical Baseline Reports, as well as discuss their use from a risk management perspective.

Keywords: Risk management, Tunnel, Geotechnical Baseline Report, Time and cost estimation.

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