Edited by
Mário P. Brito
Terje Aven
Piero Baraldi
Marko Čepin
Enrico Zio

ISBN: 978-981-18-8071-1


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VWAY provides software tools for teams of all sizes, increasing their productivity and agility as they create safe, secure products & systems, that are fully compliant to international standards. Teamer helps to align and accelerate cross-functional team activity, from development-to-operations (i.e. across the whole product lifecycle) by enabling industry compliant processes. This true DevSecOps product, helps teams to manage the complexity, ensuring functional safety AND cybersecurity.

VisualPro used at the front-end of the development cycle and then iteratively throughout the design-development process. This enables teams/individuals to perform effective risk & hazard analysis on the most complex systems. The results of the analyses help to capture the unanticipated interaction between hardware, software and human operators. These in turn help the teams make more and more detailed design decisions.


GRIF (= GRaphical Interface for reliability Forecasting –, technology of TotalEnergies, is a software suite of excellence dedicated to RAMS studies. Result of more than 40 years of Research and Development into the company, it is composed of 12 modules included in 3 packages to propose several modelling techniques allowing the users to find the most appropriate technique to resolve the studied system (block diagrams, fault trees, Markov graphs, Petri nets, bowties...). The different modules allow to evaluate the reliability of safety systems (HIPS, SIL loop, ... ), the availability of production systems and to perform risk analysis for any fields of activity.


The Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE; ISSN 2077-1312, ) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal which provides an advanced forum for studies related to marine science and engineering. The journal aims to provide scholarly research on a range of topics, including ocean engineering, chemical oceanography, physical oceanography, marine biology, and marine geosciences. We invite you to publish in our journal, sharing your important research findings with the global ocean community. The new Impact Factor of JMSE is 2.744 according to the Journal Citation Reports. It ranks Q1 in the category of "Engineering, Marine", and Q2 in the categories of "Oceanography", and "Engineering, Ocean".