Proceedings of the

The 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023)
3 – 8 September 2023, Southampton, UK

RAMS Never Dies! Applying the Approach to IT/OT Converged Systems

Arno Koka, Alberto Martinettib and Jan Braaksmac

Asset Management and Maintenance Engineering, University of Twente, The Netherlands.


The reliability of industrial systems is challenged by the increasing use of digital technology. One of these challenges is the reliability of digital technology (IT) in combination with physical assets (OT) - so-called `IT/OT' converged systems or digitized systems. To ensure the reliability of physical assets, RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety) methodology has become a widely accepted approach for designing and evaluating their performance. Unfortunately, the RAMS method is less common and evaluated in the context of digitized systems. This research discusses the application of a five-step RAMS method within the context of digitized systems. The outcomes of this RAMS method on a traditional system and a digitized system are compared using a real case study carried out with the main Dutch railway operator. The case study shows that the current RAMS application processes should be adapted for use on digitized systems. Several design principles are presented which can guide the better application of RAMS within a digitized environment.

Keywords: RAMS, Operational technology, Information technology, IT/OT convergence, Digitized systems, Asset management, Railway.

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