Proceedings of the

The 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023)
3 – 8 September 2023, Southampton, UK

Results of Experiment of Cooling the High Heat Fluxes Using the Hypervapotron

Miroslav Gleitza, Dana Prochazkovab, Pavel Zachac, Vaclav Dostald and eSlavomir Entler

Czech Technical University in Prague, Technicka 4, 166 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic.


Reactor cooling is a critical process in all nuclear facilities. A specific problem is the cooling of fusion reactors that are in preparation. The present paper describes an experiment to investigate the process of cooling using the hyper-vapotron device envisaged in fusion reactors. The aim of the experiment is to contribute to determination of correct requirements, limits and conditions for the construction of refrigeration equipment, which is planned to use in praxis. This can be only reached if experiment results are correct. The paper shows tool for regular inspections of measuring equipment and other accessories with aim to prevent the occurrence of unacceptable risks which can influence ex-periment results. Because measuring process is linear, we use checklists. At the end, the critical items for hypervap-otron design are given.

Keywords: Cooling, Hypervapotron, Subcooled boiling, Experiment, Risk sources, Safety, Checklist.

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