| Dynamic Buckling of Shallow Pin-Ended Arches Under a Sudden Central Load Yong-Lin Pi and Mark Andrew Bradford |

| Experimental Study of Mono-Symmetric Over-Hanging I-Beam Steel Sections Hamdy A. Mohsen, Ashraf M. Fadel, Abdel-Rahim B. Abdel-Rahim and Bassem L. Gindi |

| Uplift Tests on Steel Hollow Section Baseplate Connections on Concrete Footings Paul Williams, Mark Edwards, Tim Wilkinson and Gianluca Ranzi |

| Critical Strain in the Flange Local Buckling of Square Hollow Sections in Bending Tim Wilkinson and Rainer Jouaux |

| Experimental Investigations of Local-Elastic Buckling of Cold-Formed Thin Walled Beams P. Paczos, P. Wasilewicz and K. Magnucki |

| Local Buckling of Cold-Formed Steel Lipped Z Section Beams Under Pure Bending M. R. Haidarali, D. A. Nethercot and M. Ashraf |

| A Component Method Model for Semi-Rigid End-Plate Beam-to-Column Joints Including the Axial Versus Bending Moment Interaction A. A. Del Savio, D. A. Nethercot, P. C. G. S. Vellasco, S. A. L. Andrade and L. F. Martha |

| Buckling and Ultimate Strength Characteristics of Aluminium Stiffened Panels with Different Fixed/Floating Frames M. R. Khedmati and K. Ghavami |

| Load-Consistent Effective Width for the Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Bridge Decks S. Carbonari, L. Dezi, F. Gara and G. Leoni |

| Finite Element Analysis on the Buckling Behaviour of High Strength Steel Columns Gang Shi and F. S. K. Bijlaard |

| Buckling of Curved Thick Plates Using Finite Strip-Elements J. Petrolito and B. W. Golley |

| Experimental Behaviors of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Stub Columns with Pre-Load after Exposure to High Temperatures Jing-Si Huo, Guo-Wang Huang and Yan Xiao |

| The Performance-Based Fire-Resistance Design Method of Steel Structure Fan Shenggang, Shu Ganping and She Guangjun |