| GBT-Based Analysis of the Local and Global Buckling Behaviour of Thin-Walled Steel Frames Subjected to Arbitrary Loadings C. Basaglia, D. Camotim and N. Silvestre |

| On the Design of Web-Tapered I-Section Beams A. Andrade, P. B. Dinis, P. Providência and D. Camotim |

| On the Application of the Direct Strength Method to Cold-Formed Steel Beams Subjected to Non-Uniform Bending R. Bebiano, P. B. Dinis, N. Silvestre and D. Camotim |

| High Strength Reinforcing Thread Bar Coupling System Hans Wlodkowski, Johanna Schmidt and S. K. Babu |

| A Design Model for Girders with Large Web Openings N. C. Hagen and P. K. Larsen |

| Lateral Torsional Buckling Resistance of Web-Tapered I-Beams Under Linear Bending Moments T. Vandermeulen, J. P. Jaspart and N. Boissonnade |

| Direct Analysis of Steel Structures Allowing for Imperfections and without Assumption of Effective Length S. L. Chan |

| Design of Steel I-Girders in Bending and Shear Stiffened by One or Two Trapezoidal Longitudinal Stiffeners G. Thomas, H. Degée, R. Maquoi and N. Boissonnade |

| A Parametric Study on Optimal Shape of Buckling Restrained Knee Bracing Frames Mehrdad Lotfollahi and Massood Mofid |

| Nonlinear Analysis of Frames with Non-Uniform Members J. Petrolito and K. A. Legge |

| Out-of-Roundness Measures for Shell Structures M. Gillie |

| Behavior of Slender I-Sections Tapered Columns M. M. El-Sadaawy and M. T. Hanna |

| Application of the Probabilistic SBRA Method in the Steel Frame Design V. Krivy, P. Marek and K. K. Phoon |

| The Influence of Bearing Stiffeners to Double - Symmetrical I-Section's Torsion Stiffness, an Analytical Approach S. Tudjono and A. L. Han |

| Finite Element Model for the Creep Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Push Tests O. Mirza and B. Uy |

| Analytical and Numerical Model for the Time-Dependent Behaviour of Composite Steel-Concrete Members with Longitudinal and Transverse Partial Interaction Gianluca Ranzi, Zora Vrcelj, Fabrizio Gara and Graziano Leoni |

| Evaluation of Design Provisions for Eccentrically Loaded Channel Tension Members S. Arul Jayachandran, V. Marimuthu, P. Prabha, S. Seetharaman and S. Sundaramahalingam |

| Secant Matrices for the Second Order Elastic Analysis of Plane Steel Frames S. Arul Jayachandran and Donald W. White |

| Verification and Transparency of the Reliability Level Resulting from the Specified Criteria for Steel Member Design Jindrich J. Melcher, Zdenek Kala and Marcela Karmazinova |

| A More Generalized Approach for Analyzing Eccentrically Loaded Connections Dung M. Lue, Wei T. Hsu and Ching H. Lin |

| Analytical Model for Residual Stresses in Press-Braked Stainless Steel Thin-Walled Sections W. M. Quach, J. G. Teng and K. F. Chung |

| Performance-Based Assessment of Steel and Concrete Composite Frames Liugi Di Sarno and Maria Rosaria Pecce |