
The Special Symposium on Tubular Structures is organised as a key event of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures. The objective is to bring together renowned international experts to present their papers on recent advances in research, development and innovative applications of tubular structures in architecture and structures.

We like to record our sincere thanks to members of the International Institute of Welding Sub-Commission XV-E who have accepted our invitation to present their latest research and developmental work for this special symposium. They are Prof. Y. Y. Chen, Dr. G. J. van der Vegte, Prof. P. W. Marshall, Prof. J. A. Packer, Prof. R. Puthli, Dr. S. Herion, Prof. J. Wardenier, and Prof. X. L. Zhao (Chairman of IIW XV-E).

Prof. Mick Eekhout, distinguished architecture from Delft University of Technology, has contributed a comprehensive paper on "Tubular Structures in the Ballet of Architecture''. The invited papers contributed by Mr. John Gronbech, Mr. Juergen Krampen and Mr. Andrew Orton provide examples on innovative developments and applications of tubular structures in bridges, buildings and offshore structures.

We appreciate the extensive collaboration with Prof. J. Wardenier in the organization of the special symposium as well as research and development in tubular structures.

Y. S. Choo
J. Y. Richard Liew

Centre for Offshore Research & Engineering and
Department of Civil Engineering
National University of Singapore