Technical Programme

Session: S09NLP, knowledge graphs and ontologies


Pipeline for Machine Reading of Unstructured Maintenance Work Order Records
Yiyang Gao, Caitlin Woods, Wei Liu, Tim French and Melinda Hodkiewicz


Standardised Failure Reporting and Classification of Failures of Safety Instrumented Systems
Stein Hauge, Solfrid Håbrekke, Mary Ann Lundteigen and Lars Bodsberg


Cleaning and Visualization of Unstructured Text in Safety Records
Michael Stewart, Wei Liu, Rachel Cardell-Oliver and Mark Griffin


An Ontology for the Management of Equipment Ageing
Silvia M. Ansaldi, Paolo Bragatto, Patrizia Agnello and Maria Francesca Milazzo


Research on Named Entity Recognition in Chinese Airworthiness Regulation Texts Based on Deep Learning Method
Haotian Niu, Cunbao Ma, Yihan Guo, Pei Han and Siyuan Li


Ranked Tagging of Maintenance Work Order Data Using Nestor
Michael Brundage and Thurston Sexton