Session Shock Wave Reflection / Interaction (5)
Date/Time Friday, 19 July 2019, 14:50 - 16:10 hrs
Venue LT7A
Session Chair Kiyonobu Ohtani

Modelling of Mach Reflections in Internal Axisymmetric Steady Supersonic Flow
B. Shoesmith and E. Timofeev

Shock Wave Reflection off Wedges with Concave Tips‐Influence of Tip Radius
H. Kleine and E. Timofeev

Experiments and Geometrical Shock Dynamics Simulations of Shock Focusing Behavior
H. Liu, B. Katko, J. Zanteson, V. Eliasson, B. Lawlor, C. McGuire and L. Zheng

Shock Detachment from Curved Wedges by Local Choking
Sannu Mölder and Amin Gulamhussein