Session Shock Wave Reflection / Interaction (4)
Date/Time Friday, 19 July 2019, 11:15 - 12:35 hrs
Venue LT7A
Session Chair Rho Shin Myong

Observation of Unsteady Shock Motion Induced by Counterflow on a Blunt Body in Hypersonic Flow
Yong-Chan Kim, Tae-Seong Roh and Hyoung Jin Lee

The New Type of a Multiple Mach Reflection on a Wedge
P. Georgievskiy and A. Maksimov

Study on Normal Shock Moving over a Smooth Downward Ramp
I. V. Thara Reshma, P. Vinoth, G. Rajesh and G. Ben-Dor

Modeling of Blast Wave Interaction with a Cloud of Droplets
J.D. Baum, F. Togashi, O.A.Soto, M.E. Giltrud and R. Löhner