Session Shock Wave Reflection / Interaction (3)
Date/Time Thursday, 18 July 2019, 11:15 - 12:35 hrs
Venue LT7A
Session Chair Ravi Samtaney

Dynamics of the Unsteady Transition between Asymmetric Shock Interactions
L. Laguarda, S. Hickel, F.F.J. Schrijer and B.W. van Oudheusden

Non-axisymmetric Effects on a Conical Converging Shock Wave with Flow Inclination
Junze Ji, Enlai Zhang, Zhufei Li and Jiming Yang

Flow Fields Generated by a Cone-Cylinder-Flare Projectile Undergoing Non-Rectilinear Motion
P.J. Stathoulis, H. Roohani and B.W. Skews

Numerical Investigation on Axisymmetric and Planar Shock Reflections in Steady Viscous Flow
G. Shoev and H. Ogawa