Session Supersonic and Hypersonic Flows (2)
Date/Time Monday, 15 July 2019, 16:30 - 17:50 hrs
Venue LT7A
Session Chair Jagadeesh Gopalan

Effect of Boundary Layer Suction on Shock Train Oscillations in an Inlet/Isolator Model
Baoping Nie, Rong Huang, Zhufei Li and Jiming Yang

Flow Evolution in a Rectangular Forward-Facing Closed Cavity
Prahallada Jutur, Srisha Rao M V and G. Jagadeesh

Measurement of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition on Cone Model using Infrared Thermography
Xinguo Sha, Feng Ji, Tingting Zhang, Xiangjiang Yuan and Qing Shen

Experimental Study on Shock Pattern and Noise Emission of a Rocket Nozzle Exhaust Jet
R. Stark, F. Strauss, G. General and D. Schneider