Session Student Competition (9)
Date/Time Monday, 15 July 2019, 11:15 - 12:35 hrs
Venue EA-06-04
Chair & Judge Christian Mundt, Herbert Olivier

Effects of Turbulence Compressibility on Normal Shock Wave in Shock Turbulence Interactions
Kento Tanaka

Drag Reduction Effect for Hypersonic Lifting-body Vehicle with Counterflowing Jet
Shicheng Liu, Hao Dong, Zhicheng Shen and Fan Deng

Effect of Forward Facing Cavity Geometry in High Enthalpy Flows
Sudarshan B, Jagadeesh G and Saravanan S

Numerical Study of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Instability and Unstable Modes Interaction
Y. Uda, M. Takahashi and N. Ohnishi