Plenary Speaker

Plenary Speaker I Shock Wave Moderation by Characterized Disturbances
Date / Time 15 July 2019, Monday / 09:00 - 09:45 hrs
Venue LT7A
Speaker Prof. Akihiro Sasoh, Nagoya University, Japan


Vice-President (in charge of Academic Research & Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration), Nagoya University,
Professor, Education and Research Center for Flight Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University.

Compressible fluid dynamics & shock waves, Space propulsion

1984 Bachelor, Department of Aeronautics, University of Tokyo
1986 Master, ditto
1989 Doctor, ditto
Academic carrier
1989 Research Associate, Department of Aeronautics, Nagoya University
1991 Associate Professor, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
2003 Professor, ditto
2006 Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Nagoya University
2015-2019 Director, National Composites Center, Nagoya University
2019-2019 Director, Education and Research Center for Flight Engineering, School of Engineering, Nagoya University
2019-2019 Vice Director, Academic Research & Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration, Nagoya University
2019- Vice-President, Nagoya University
Director of Academic Research & Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration
Director of Institutes of Innovation for Future Society
Director of Technical Center


Shock waves behave their interesting characteristic when interacting with various fluctuations. In this paper, shock wave behaviors influenced by controlled disturbances, thermal bubble, turbulence and boundary layer are discussed based on experimental results. Also, their applications to aerospace engineering will be suggested.