Session Numerical Methods (4) / Shock Waves in Rarefied Flows
Date/Time Thursday, 18 July 2019, 11:15 - 12:35 hrs
Venue Auditorium
Session Chair Xu Aiguo

Influences of Shock-Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Numerical Solution of Hypersonic Flow
H. Sakamoto, K. Kitazono, M. Takahashi and N. Ohnishi

AutoCAD Inspired Level-set Algorithm for 3D Simulation of Industrial Fire and Explosion
Hyun-Jun Kim, Tae-Jun Roh and Jack J. Yoh

A Characteristic-based Trouble-cell Indicator for Conservation Laws via Artificial Neutral Networks
Yiwei Feng, Kun Wang, Xiaotao Zhang and Tiegang Liu

Temperature Dependence of Shock Wave Thickness
Felix Sharipov and Fernanda C. Dias