Session Multiphase Flow (2)
Date/Time Thursday, 18 July 2019, 14:50 - 16:10 hrs
Venue EA-06-03
Session Chair Valeriy Kedrinskiy

Simulation of Discontinuous Waves with Velocity Non-Equilibrium Two-Phase Flow
Dia Zeidan, Eric Goncalves and Rony Touma

Spherical and cylindrical blast wave mitigation by aqueous foam. Experimental and numerical approaches
M. Mazia (born Mikart), D. Counilh, F. Ballanger, M. Mazia and A. Chinnayya

Numerical Investigation of AUSM-family Schemes Dissipation for Compressible Multiphase Flow Simulations
J. Aono and K. Kitamura

On Water Entry Problem of Cylindrical Shells with Different Head Shapes
H. H. Shi, Y. Liu and J. S. Wen