Session Diagnostics / Flow Visualization (2)
Date/Time Tuesday, 16 July 2019, 11:15 - 12:35 hrs
Venue EA-06-03
Session Chair Oren Sadot

A Preliminary Study On the Implementation of Rainbow Schlieren with a Single-Mirror System
R. Mariani, H. D. Lim, Vevek U S, B. Zang, T. H. New and Y. D. Cui

Application of Infrared Thermography in an Expansion Tunnel
T. Cullen, C. James, R. Gollan and R. Morgan

Development of Ultrafast-Response Bi-Luminophore PSP for Surface Pressure Measurement on Supersonic Projectiles
D. Numata and K. Ohtani

Absorption Spectroscopy of CO2 Flows in Expansion Tube
S. Nomura, K. Fujita and U. Dubuet